Your Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is an academy?
2. Are all academies the same?
3. What is the Derby Diocesan Board of Education (DDBE)?
4. Why has the Diocese of Derby decided to develop an academy offer to its schools?
5. What is the track record of the DDAT?
6. How long is a sponsor committed to an academy?
7. What happens to my children at a school wishing to become an academy?
8. Will a proposed new academy have a new name?
9. Will a proposed new academy have a new uniform?
10. Will a proposed new academy still be open to the community?
11. Would there be an increased emphasis on religion and Christianity in a Derby Diocesan Academy Trust?
12. How will an academy raise achievement?
13. My school has been judged inadequate. Isn’t all of this academy talk just a distraction?
14. How will an academy respond to children with special needs or those who are talented or gifted?
15. Will pupils’ education be disrupted by a transition to academy status?
16. If we move to become an academy what will it mean in terms of what is taught?
17. How is an academy funded and does this improve on current funding arrangements?
18. Who will the Multi Academy Trust be accountable to?
19. Would anyone apart from the sponsor have a say about who is on the Local Academy Committee (LAC)?
20. Will the school hours be any different as an academy?
21. How will parents be represented?
22. Will the Derby Diocesan Multi Academy Trust (MAT) Board employ non-qualified teachers?
23. What are the Terms and Conditions for staff?